February 2, 2025

Full Dentures Clinical Case - By Dr. Edward Batch

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The patient, 55 years old male with periodontal diseases record. Due to the poor state of dentition, it was decided to proceed to extract the few remaining terminal teeth, and place 6 DSI Premium SPI implants at maxilla with immediate loading protocol. To improve the bone condition, the post-extraction sockets were grafted with DSI Sponge Zengraft Bovine bone plugs. The same strategy was implemented at the mandibula.

After 4 months, temporary denture was replaced with DSI Premium Multi-units over the implants. After scanning the case a verification jig was produced to assure the parallelism between Multi-Units and the accuracy of restoration.

After doing the occlusion record, several tryout dentures were printed to simulate the fixed prosthesis.

The final version was milled in zirconia, shaded and connected to multi-units via ti-bases.

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Dr. Edd Batch


Dental surgeon
Master in oral and aesthetic rehabilitation
Expert in Dental implants and veneers
Guatemala City, Guatemala

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