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Buffered Hydrofluoric acid for porcelain restorations repair
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In dentistry, one of the biggest challenges is to bond materials in a wet oral environment firmly. Because of the moisture and the temperature of the oral environment, it is sometimes almost impossible to work. That is why you need to use the etching material. The etching is considered to be an essential part of any dental bonding procedure. DSI C-ETCH is a 5% buffered hydrofluoric acid in semi-gel form that is just perfect for porcelain restorations and repairs. Being based on hydrofluoric acid DSI C-ETCH can also be used for glass and ceramic etching. DSI C-ETCH is indicated by improved adhesion and increased mechanical strength. It simplifies the etching and strengthens the bonding procedure, making the restoration durable.

DSI C-ETCH has an ideal semi-gel viscosity that facilitates its precise application and also stays where you put it. Being a semi-gel, it flows freely and can be applied anywhere, and yet it is not liquid so it will not run off the designated surface. DSI C-ETCH allows all kinds of porcelain restoration.

Product Details

DSI C-ETCH is irreplaceable etching material for porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and fractured dental porcelain. It can also be used for etching porcelain crowns before bonding orthodontic brackets. It is buffered and gelled to minimize any irritation that could occur from the hydrofluoric acid vapor.

Being porcelain etching material it is designed for both intraoral and extraoral porcelain etching. It is highly recommended to use DSI C-ETCH together with DSI SILANE. These two are 100% compatible and designed for indirect restorations in the clinic, such as veneers, inlays, etc. After you apply the C-ETCH, clean the residue, rinse thoroughly, and apply the DSI SILANE. This unique combination provides higher adhesive strength compared to other porcelain bonding products. That way your restorations will be much stronger and more durable.


• Porcelain etch semi-gel viscosity
• Buffered 5% hydrofluoric acid
• Very easy to control and place
• Will not stain composites or resin types of cement
• Very high porcelain-to-resin bond strengths
• Used for porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and fractured dental porcelain.
• Can be used extraoral and intraoral
• Use together with DSI SILANE in order to achieve the best results and ideal bonding strength and restoration durability.

DS-CETCH: Etching semi-gel material 5% buffered, in a bottler 5ml. Best to use with DSI SILANE

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