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Concave Abutment

aesthetic results are amazing in reduced metal visibility
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DSI concave line has everything that is needed for all the stages of the restoration, healing cap, transfer, straight, and angulated abutments, everything you need to deliver the best possible results. Concave prosthetics are a new generation of anatomically shaped screw-retained abutments. The concave prosthetics' flawless design allows the mucosal tissue to create a thick layer surrounding the transgingival connection. The aesthetic results are amazing in reduced metal visibility and overall tissue transparency. A concave abutment's special shape creates an optimal emergence profile with the ability to replace the temporary prosthetics without any harm to the new tissues. Thanks to their shape they greatly reduce the trauma and accelerate the healing process.

DSI concave line could be used in any given situation, with great aesthetic results. The concave line consists of a healing cap for the earlier stages right after the implant placement. Snap-on transfer for impression taking, and the straight and angulated abutments for the final restoration.

Product Details

DSI concave line is made with a regular internal hex connection which makes it not only the most preferable solution on the market but also the most relevant and compatible with a large variety of systems. DSI concave line establishes a new level of quality, reduced trauma, and great aesthetics in dental restorations. This prosthetic line is the ultimate solution for screw-retained crowns and bridge restorations, with outstanding results.‍

DSI concave line gives astonishing aesthetic results. It is a completely new level of standard in dental restorations. Could be used as a traditional several stages restoration protocol or could be used as an immediate loading protocol. In any case, the results will be amazing will minimal trauma to the patient and exceptional aesthetics.

Torque Recommendation:
Hand-tighten using a 1.25 mm hex. driver or a motor mount with a force of 25 Ncm.

All the concave abutments are presented in a standard platform internal hex 2.42mm


• Top quality materials.
• Excellent biocompatibility, no risk of abruption.
• Highly aesthetic, precise, and predictable results.
• Great surgical efficiency.
• Guaranteed stability and durability.
• Outstanding stability and aesthetics for all kinds of crowns and bridges
• Reduced tissue transparency and reduced metal visibility of the abutment above the tissue level.
• Designed for an immediate loading into the implant.
• Creates an emergence profile by optimal solid connection.
• Accelerates the healing process and reduces trauma.
• Ensures superior primary stability.
• Highest-level titanium alloy (Grade 5) for excellent biocompatibility and long-term usage.


SHCA2, SHCA3, SHCA4, SHCA5, SHCA6, SHCA7: Healing cap
SAAC1, SAAC2, SAAC3, SAAC4: Straight abutment
SAAC15-1, SAAC15-2, SAAC15-3, SAAC15-4: Angulated abutment 15°
SAAC25-1, SAAC25-2, SAAC25-3, SAAC25-4: Angulated abutment 25°
PCT1, PCT2, PCT3, PCT4: Snap-on transfer
SNAP-SC: Plastic Cap
SISC: Fixation Screw
UPK-C1, UPK-C2, UPK-C3, UPK-C4: Kit includes analog, transfer, healing cap, straight abutment, and 2 fixation screws.

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