The DSI Fixture&Screw Remover kit is the perfect choice for all implant and screw removal needs. This professional-level equipment kit offers superior results compared to other methods. Everything you need for a successful procedure is included in this comprehensive set of tools and accessories. The DSI Fixture&Screw Remover kit is a highly useful set of instruments that simplifies the process of removing broken or misplaced implants and screws. This solution eliminates the need for surgical procedures and extractions of whole implants, trephine usage, or excessive trauma for the patient. This remarkable kit will help to remove the needed implants or screws in a short period of time with outstanding efficiency.
The DSI Fixture&Screw Remover kit offers a swift and straightforward way to remove an implant, negating the need for a surgical extraction and therefore avoiding any extended healing process. There is no need to extract surrounding tissues, meaning there will be less trauma sustained in the removal procedure. In addition, once it has been properly cleaned and treated, a new implant can be inserted back into the socket.
No more painful procedures for the patient that follows up with a long-term healing process of bone and surrounding tissue, messy working conditions, and risk of inflammation and contamination of the wound.
DSI Fixture&Screw Remover kit has a vast amount of different instruments that are ideal for removing implants, and broken screws. This kit can be used for any broken screw and implant case.
The instruments come in a special plastic polymer box with rigid rubber inserts and it is autoclavable at a temperature of 134° C.
• Both Osseo integrated implants and fractured implants are simply removed.
• No bone damage or trauma to patients.
• No need to use a trephine drill.
• Applicable to any type of implant with a screw hole.
• Capable to remove and replace the implant in an ill-positioned implant placement case.
• Helps to remove broken screws without damaging the implant.
• Fit virtually any implant system external hex, internal hex, conical connection, and more.
• Removes failed implants without compromising surrounding bone or damaging neighboring structures.
SD-FSR: Full kit
FRD-01: 2x implant remover screw Ø1.6/1.8mm
FRD-02: 2x implant remover screw Ø2.0/2.5mm
FRD-03: implant remover screw Narrow
RE-02: ratchet extension
SDADP-01: handpiece condencer
SDWRH-02: long wrench
TH-03: turning handle
GH-01: guide holder
TH-01: turning handle
D-REM08: remove drill Ø0.8mm L 32.5mm
D-REM13: remove drill Ø1.3mm L 32.5mm
D-RED08: reverse drill Ø0.8mm L 30mm
D-RED13: reverse drill Ø1.3mm L 30mm
TD-08: tap drill Ø0.8mm L 30mm
TD-13: tap drill Ø1.3mm L 30mm
FTD-01: flat tip driver Ø2.5mm L 26mm
G-EM: external mini
G-ER: external regular
G-OI: octa internal
G-HS: hex submerged
G-TSV: TSV 3.7/4.1
G-TRI: tri-lobe
G-SN: submerged narrow