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Tola-2 Sinus Lift Kit

lateral kit - critical in cases of extreme bone resorption
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The DSI TOLA-2 Kit is an essential tool for practitioners who favor a lateral approach sinus lifting technique. This approach is critical in cases of extreme bone resorption, as it provides the only path to implant placement or crestal application. The kit has been engineered precisely to support this method, providing all necessary components and instruments for successful execution. The lateral sinus approach provides access to the lateral sinus window and the Schneiderian membrane. It enables you to work inside the sinus membrane and prepare it for implantation. DSI TOLA-2 Kit ensures accurate and predictable results for your patient. All the tools in this kit are created with the highest attention to detail.

DSI TOLA-2 Kit features reamers with a unique non-sharp round top to ensure that no damage is caused to the patient's sinus membrane. This kit also includes stoppers, which when placed onto reamers can give you greater control over your drilling and offer you precision depths with unparalleled accuracy.

Product Details

All the reamers and drills in this kit, come with stoppers which gradually improve the accuracy and precision of your work, as well as increase the safety of the whole procedure for your patient. DSI TOLA-2 is made to deliver the best results without compromising the patient's comfort and safety. Everything is done in order to make the sinus lifting procedure fast and reliable with no complications. It saves chair time and delivers predictable results.

DSI TOLA-2 Kit include four kinds of curettes - the TOLA-01, the TOLA-02, and the TOLA-03. Each one has a curved end which allows you to lift up the membrane from within the sinus cavity away from its bony surface. The rounded blunt end of the TOLA-01 resembles a widener and is useful for initiating separation between membrane and bone. Furthermore, the TOLA-04 consists of a wide scoop at one end and a condenser on the other end, allowing surgeons to carry graft material into place and compact it securely in any area required.

The instruments come in a special plastic polymer box with rigid rubber inserts and it is autoclavable at a temperature of 134° C.


• Unique stopper system that prevents over-drilling into the sinus cavity and damaging the membrane.
• Simple and intuitive surgical system.
• Minimally invasive lateral approach.
• Precise and predictable results with minimal effort.
• Compact and complete, with no need for additional tools or units.
• Safe for the patient, will not harm the membrane and will improve the healing process.
• It is made from the highest quality materials.


SD-TOLA2: DSI SD-TOLA 2 Sinus lift full kit
LASC-50, LASC-70: lateral side cutter Ø5.0, 7.0mm
LACD-60, LACD-80: lateral core drill Ø6.0, 8.0mm
LASD-R80, LASD-F80: lateral sinus drill Ø8.0mm
LASR-60, LASR-80: lateral sinus reamer: Ø6.0, 8.0mm
LAST-05, LAST-10, LAST-15, LAST-20, LAST-25: stoppers L (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5mm)
TOLA2-01, TOLA2-02, TOLA2-03, TOLA2-04: curettes

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