
DS ICE Refrigerant Spray


Endodontic diagnosis starts with the vitality test. Stimulating the tooth nerve endings is a critical part of it - and cold stimulation of the pulp is considered a fast and effective vitality check. It could be made with ethyl chloride or regular ice, but the rule is simple - less temperature - faster and more accurate results. DS-Ice Spray— a simple and cost-effective solution. It produces a great temperature reduction that cannot be achieved with other methods. Being cooler than ice, it quickly cools down to -50°C (-58°F) the cotton pellet and tooth nerve reacts instantly. DS-Ice Spray is almost twice cooler as the competitive product found on the market; it's the most accurate, fast and effective spot testing solution of pulp health. Net weight 200ml. Includes directional spray nozzle.

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After icing cotton or endo frost pellets, you could test the normal response of nerve fibres by stimulating the nerve endings of the pulp with it. A spray nozzle is beneficial for precise application and is delivered in conjunction.

Cold Spray is used for fast and easy on-the-spot testing of pulp health. Easy to use and environmentally friendly.

Directions: Use only as directed (on a bottle)

1. Insert the extension tube into the nozzle.

2. Until saturated, directly spray Ice Endo Spray onto a cotton pellet held by locking pliers/forceps. Wait 3 seconds to cool.

3. Do not spray in the vicinity of the patient’s face or onto the tissue. Always hold the can upright when spraying.

4. Retract the lips and cheeks to avoid contact with the cold pellet.

5. Touch the pellet to the facial surface of the tooth in the quadrant of concern and to the contralateral tooth to be tested. Reapply DSI Ice Spray for each tooth tested. Test the suspected tooth last.

6. Evaluate the patient’s response.


DS-ICE : DSI Refrigerant Spray, bottle 200ml


• Fast pulp response
• Dripping-free
• Environmentally-friendly
• Easy to use

More information

IFU Instruction for UseMSDS Safety SheetProduct Brochure