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Bone Screws & Accessories


DSI GBR Screws are designed as an attractive alternative for GBR tack for membrane stabilization. GBR screws are easy to work with, easy to pick up and deliver to the surgical site, easy to insert into the bone, and easy to pull out when the treatment is done. DSI GBR screws deliver solid stability to the surgical site, and comfortable placement makes membrane fixation fast and easy. DSI GBR Screw is used to hold "hard" membranes, such as titanium mesh plates. The screws are excellent for new bone formation, reconstructive surgery, bone grafting, etc. This is a definitive tool that will serve you with precision and accuracy. Being made of the highest quality titanium alloy DSI GBR screws can stabilize the membrane during the healing process, without additional interference. also, they are highly retentive and reduce the risks of being dropped or lost during the placement.

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DSI Tenting Screw fixates the membrane fast, easily, and reliably. The thread design and sharp tip allow precise placement even in the cortical bone. A wide screw cap provides enough surface area to avoid membrane tearing or perforation. Being made of titanium alloy, the tenting screws can stabilize the membrane during the whole healing process.

Product Details

Kit includes:

SDS-140-030, SDS-140-040, SDS-140-060, SDS-140-080, SDS-140-100, SDS-140-120: GBR fixation screws Ø1.4mm L (3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12mm)
SDS-160-030, SDS-160-040, SDS-160-060, SDS-160-080, SDS-160-100, SDS-160-120: GBR
fixation screws Ø1.6mm L (3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12mm)
SDS-200-030, SDS-200-040, SDS-200-060, SDS-200-080, SDS-200-100, SDS-200-120: GBR
fixation screws Ø1.4mm L (3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12mm)
TNT-8, TNT-10, TNT-12:
half-thread GBR tenting screw Ø1.5mm, L (8, 10, 12mm)
TNT-10F, TNT-12F:
full-thread GBR tenting screw Ø1.5mm, L (10, 12mm)
driver handle
turning handle
TR-01, TR-02, TR-03:
gbr drivers, L 20, 26, 52mm
SD-PD12, SD-PD14, SD-PD20: gbr pilot drills Ø1.2, 1.4, 2.0mm

All the instruments including the box are autoclavable at a temperature of 134° C.

DSI GBR Drills are made to deliver excellent results in GBR procedures. They are made from the highest quality surgical stainless steel. They are very sharp, durable, and effective. The drills come in a variety of diameters that match the most popular sizes of GBR screws. Made with RA shank, so they can fit any latch-type surgical handpiece.

DSI GBR driver is the main instrument in any GBR technique. It carries, inserts, and stabilizes the bone screw into a mesh plate. thanks to the pin located on the end of the tool you can carry the bone screw without worrying that it would fall. The driver Handle is made with polymeric fiber plastic material with a comfortable grip. Unlike any other metal handles, this one is lightweight and may be used with more ease.


• Perfectly safe for the patient.
• Reduces the overall treatment time.
• Precise and predictable results.
• Easy to apply on a site.
• Secure positioning of the membrane is stabilized.
• No tissue reaction no risk of abruption.
• Can be easily removed after the healing period is done.
• Made of the highest quality materials.
• Operational convience.

More information

IFU Instruction for UseClinical CasesProduct Brochure