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Prophylaxis Paste
Prophy paste cleaning teeth gums preventing periodontal disease tartar plaque removal promote the oral health of teeth gums, and mouth
Cosmetic Dentistry
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

PPASTE-O: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Orange)
PPASTE-S: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Strawberry)
PPASTE-B: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Black Currant)
PPASTE-W: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Wildberry)
PPASTE-M: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Spearmint)
PPASTE-C: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Cherry)
PPASTE-L: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Lemon)
PPASTE-E: Prophylaxis Paste, 340 g (Exotic Fruit)

Implant Removal Kit
FR Implant Removal Kit is an effective solution removal kit for implant removal. A basic version of the SD-FSR kit made for implant removal only, works with all internal platforms
Surgical kits
Dental Instruments
KitsScrew Removal
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SD-FR: Full kit
FRD-01: 2x implant remover screw Ø1.6/1.8mm
FRD-02: 2x implant remover screw Ø2.0/2.5mm
FRD-03: implant remover screw Narrow
RE-02: ratchet extension
SDADP-01: handpiece condencer
SDWRH-02: long wrench
TH-03: turning handle‍

Prophy Air Prophylaxis Powder
Prophy Air Prophylaxis Powder cleaning teeth gums preventing periodontal disease tartar plaque removal promote the oral health of teeth
Cosmetic Dentistry
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

PROAIR-C: Prophy Air Powder, 300 g (Cherry)
Prophy Air Powder, 300 g (Wild Berry)
Prophy Air Powder, 300 g (Exotic)
Prophy Air Powder, 300 g (Lemonade)
Prophy Air Powder, 300 g (Spearmint)

Fluoride Gel
DSI fluoride gel contains 1.23% fluoride ions It is designed to prevent tooth decay and preserve tooth enamel strengthening the mineral composition of the tooth enamel
Cosmetic Dentistry
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

DS-FLR-GEL-ORA-500ML: Fluoride Gel, 500ml (Orange)
DS-FLR-GEL-STR-500ML: Fluoride Gel, 500ml Strawberry)
DS-FLR-GEL-CHR-500ML: Fluoride Gel, 500ml (Cherry)

David EVI Implant
DSI David EVI Implant is a pinnacle of dental innovation merging a decade's worth of industry advancements and clinical expertise. Engineered for precision and performance
Implants and parts
Two-piece implants
ImplantsTwo-piece Implants
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

EVI0830, EVI1030, EVI1130, EVI1330: Ø3.5mm L (8, 10, 11.5, and 13mm)
EVI0833, EVI1033, EVI1133, EVI1333, EVI1633: Ø3.5mm L (8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm)
EVI0835, EVI1035, EVI1135, EVI1335, EVI1635: Ø3.5mm L (8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm)
EVI0838, EVI1038, EVI1138, EVI1338, EVI1638: Ø3.8mm L (8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm)
EVI0842, EVI1042, EVI1142, EVI1342, EVI1642: Ø4.2mm L (8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm)
EVI0845, EVI1045, EVI1145, EVI1345, EVI1645: Ø4.5mm L (8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm)
EVI0850, EVI1050, EVI1150, EVI1350, EVI1650: Ø5.0mm L (8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm)

Fixture & Screw Removal Compact Kit
DSI FSRC is a compact and complete kit that comes to aid in the removal of implants and screws. It allows you to extract an unwanted screw or implant without surgical interference
Screw & Implant Removal
KitsScrew Removal
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

SD-FSRC: Full kit
2x implant remover screw Ø1.6/1.8mm
FRD-02: 2x implant remover screw Ø2.0/2.5mm
D-REM08: remove drill Ø0.8mm L 32.5mm
D-RED08: reverse drill Ø0.8mm L 30mm
TD-08: tap drill Ø0.8mm L 30mm
TH-03: turning handle
FTD-01: flat tip driver Ø2.5mm L 26mm
G-HS: hex submerged
G-TSV: TSV 3.7/4.1
G-TRI: tri-lobe
G-SN: submerged narrow
GH-01: guide holder
SDWRH-02: long wrench

C&L Sinus Kit
DSI C&L Sinus Kit is a biggest and most convenient sinus kit in our line - a combined solution that is used to perform both a crestal and lateral sinus lifting approaches.
Surgical kits
Dental Instruments
KitsSinus Kits
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SD-CL: Full kit
SD-GD20: guide drill Ø2.0mm
SD-RM28, SD-RM33, SD-RM37: SD- Reamer Ø2.8, 3.3, 3.7mm
SDST-03, SDST-04, SDST-05, SDST-06, SDST-07, SDST-08: crestal stopper L (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8mm)
LAST-01, LAST-10, LAST-15, LAST-20, LAST-25: lateral stopper L (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5mm)
SDWRH-00: ratchet wrench
LASC-70: lateral side cutter Ø7.0mm
LACD-80: lateral core drill Ø8.0mm
LASR-80: lateral sinus reamer Ø8.0mm
CLS30, CLS35: crestal aqua tip Ø3.0, 3.5mm
SDADP-02: handpiece condenser
R.C EXT: ratchet extension
TOLA2-01, TOLA2-02, TOLA2-03: curette
MP-BP: bone packer
STB: silicone tube

Bone Spreading Kit
DSI Bone Spreading Kit allows the insertion of several implants at the same time by widening the narrow bone ridge using osteotome bone spreading jack pins
Dental Instruments
KitsRidge Surgery
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SD-BS: Full kit
SDSAW-07, SDSAW-09: saw disk Ø7.0, 9.0mm
SDADP-01: handpiece condenser
WA-01: wrench adapter
SA-01: spreading adapter
SP-01: spreading pin
SDWRH-00: ratchet wrench

Implant Positioning kit
Freehand Implant Placement Guide Kit for quick and easy centring, directing, and spacing for single or multiple (adjacent) freehand implant placement.
Dental Instruments
KitsSurgical Kits
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SD-IPO: Full Kit
P-DR20: positioning drill Ø2.0mm
PG-060, PG-075, PG-090, PG-105, PG-120: positioning guide Ø6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 10.5, 12.0mm
GP-060, GP-075, GP-90, GP-105, GP-120: guide pin Ø6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 10.5, 12.0mm

UniLite Composite
UniLite Restorative features an advanced radiopaque nano-filler based on multi-functional particles. To maintain an optimum balance among the physical properties
Restorative Materials
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

UL-A1: DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade A1
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade A2
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade A3
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade A3.5
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade B1
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade B2
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade C2
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade Opaque light
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade Opaque dark
DSI UniLite Universal Composite In Syringe 4g Shade universal

Ratchet Wrenches
DSI Ratchet Wrenches are unique tools that are designed for maximum precision and control during the procedure. Available in different torque and no-torque versions
Dental Instruments
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

SD-TQ: torque wrench manual ratchet (2 drivers included) Ø1.25mm, L 23.5, 30mm
regular ratchet wrench Ø6.35mm
1000201, 1000202: torque ratchet Ø6.35mm (torque 10-35, 10-45Ncm)
torque ratchet Ø6.35mm torque 25-100Ncm

Water Rising System
DSI WRS Water Rise kit for closed crestal sinus lift procedure. Aqua tips were created to lift up the sinus membrane with liquid, undoubtedly the safest sinus-lifting technique.
Surgical kits
Dental Instruments
KitsSinus Kits
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

SD-WRS: Full kit
WRS28, WRS33, WRS38, WRS42:
aqua tips Ø2.8, 3.3, 3.8, 4.2mm
ST-03. ST-04, ST-05, ST-06, ST-07, ST-08, ST-09, ST-10, ST-11, ST-12:
stopper for reamers L (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12mm)
silicone tube

Premium Multi-Unit Parts
Premium MUA M1.6 Multi unit All the pieces are compatible with a regular 1.25mm abutment driver, with no need for any additional expensive equipment.
Implants and parts
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

SSFTMU-K: transfer screw
STFMU-K: open tray transfer
SAFMU-K: titanium analog
SHCFMU-K: healing cap
SSTFMU-K: titanium sleeve abutment
SSPFMU-K: castable sleeve abutment
STFMU-KC: snap-on closed transfer
SP-DS3: scan post abutment
TB-DS4: ti-base for multi-unit
SAFMU-3D: 3D printing analog for MUA
LSFMU-K: fixation long screws
SSFMU-K: fixation short screws
MUD-M1.6: metal position holder

Angulated Loc-In Attachment
The angulated Loc-In attachment is the perfect choice for overdentures ensures a safe fit between the implant and the attachment delivers exceptional stability
Implants and parts
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


LI-RP1805, LI-RP1810, LI-RP1820, LI-RP1830: Angulated Loc-In attachment 18°
LI-RP3005, LI-RP3010, LI-RP3020, LI-RP3030: Angulated Loc-In attachment 30°
PLI-RP1805, PLI-RP1810, PLI-RP1820, PLI-RP1830: Angulated Loc-In attachment 18° Kit
PLI-RP3005, PLI-RP3010, PLI-RP3020, PLI-RP3030: Angulated Loc-In attachment 30° Kit

DSI MCB/ROOT surgical kit
DSI MCB/ROOT surgical kit is made especially for drilling the initial socket in the cortical bone in order to install MCB and ROOT implants.
Surgical kits
KitsSurgical Kits
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SK001R, SK001M: Full Kit - DSI MCB/ROOT comes in two options (SK001M and SM001R) and can be used either for MCB or for ROOT implant socket preparation.
LD20L13, LD25L13, LD28L13, LD32L13: Short lance drills Ø2.0, 2.5, 2.8, 3.2mm SHORT L 13mm
LD20L16, LD25L16, LD28L16, LD32L16: Long lance drills Ø2.0, 2.5, 2.8, 3.2mm LONG L 16mm
SR: Ratchet
MMRA: Motor mount to ratchet adapter
RDOP: Ratchet driver for MC/MCB implat (included only in SK001M)
RDMCB: Ratchet driver for MCB bend (included only in SK001M)
OPD: Driver for root shape implant (included only in SM001R)

DSI MTDriver can be used for any screw with variable torque of 20/30Ncm. The torque is selected with a push of a button. Supplied with hex bits and latch-grip adapter
Dental Instruments
SpecialsSpecial Tools
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

DS-EID: electric cordless driver for prosthetic Ø1.25mm and 20/30Ncm variable torque: 2 bits short and long, and a universal adapter.
MTD00015A: Short bit full length 15mm / head length 10mm
MTD00002A: Long bit full length 27mm / head length 15mm
MTD0016A: Universal adapter bit full length 22mm / head length 10mm

GBR Comfix Premium Kit
Premium GBR Kit for Guided Bone Regeneration Surgical operations. GBR Screws, Tacks, Ti-Mesh, Tools, Drivers, Drills and Bone collector included
Dental Instruments
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SD-GBR: Full Kit
SDS-140-060, SDS-140-080, SDS-140-100: screws Ø1.4mm L (6.0, 8.0, 10.0mm)
SDS-160-060, SDS-160-080, SDS-160-100: screws Ø1.6mm L (6.0, 8.0, 10.0mm)
SDB-140-035: purple tack Ø2.5/0.85, L (3.5mm)
SDB-140-050: blue tack Ø2.5/0.85, L (5.0mm)
DH-01: driver handle
TA-01: tack applicator
TH-01: turning handle
SD-PD12, SD-PD14, SD-PD20: GBR pilot drill Ø1.2, 1.4, 2.0mm
TR-01, TR-02, TR-03: drivers L ( 20, 26, 52mm)
NLBC-50: NLBC drill
NLBC-ST5: NLBC stopper
BT-03, BT05: bone tack case (red and blue) for 20 tacks
SPD-T36-022: titanium membrane (pores) Ø0.6mm, size 36.0x22.0mm
SDP-S22-015, SDP-S44-044: titanium membrane (pores) Ø1.4mm, size 22.0x15.0mm, 44.0x44.0mm
MT-414: mallet

Concave Abutment
DSI concave line could be used in any given situation, with great aesthetic results. flawless design allows the mucosal tissue to create a thick layer surrounding gingiva
Implants and parts
HexFinal Restoration
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SHCA2, SHCA3, SHCA4, SHCA5, SHCA6, SHCA7: Healing cap
SAAC1, SAAC2, SAAC3, SAAC4: Straight abutment
SAAC15-1, SAAC15-2, SAAC15-3, SAAC15-4: Angulated abutment 15°
SAAC25-1, SAAC25-2, SAAC25-3, SAAC25-4: Angulated abutment 25°
PCT1, PCT2, PCT3, PCT4: Snap-on transfer
SNAP-SC: Plastic Cap
SISC: Fixation Screw
UPK-C1, UPK-C2, UPK-C3, UPK-C4: Kit includes analog, transfer, healing cap, straight abutment, and 2 fixation screws.

Scan Post MUA M1.4 Premium Multi-Unit
The world has seen a major advancement in tooth restorations as of late with the introduction of Ti-Base abutments and CAD/CAM technology. DSI's Ti-Base prosthetic
Implants and parts
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


DS-NM07: Scan post for multi unit 1.4M 7mm height
DS-NM10: Scan post for multi unit 1.4M 10mm height
DS-NM13: Scan post for multi unit 1.4M 13mm height

PDS Polydioxanone Sutures
DSI Polydioxanone (PDO/PDS) Sutures an absorbable monofilament suture, composed of a polydioxanone for prolonged period of a wound support (up to 50 days)
Surgical Supplies
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


DS-PDS20: PDO Sutures USP 2/0
DS-PDS30: PDO Sutures USP 3/0
DS-PDS40: PDO Sutures USP 4/0
DS-PDS50: PDO Sutures USP 5/0

Healing Caps Conical
DSI Conical connection healing caps are made especially for a faster healing process of the tissues in a large variety of implantation cases
Implants and parts
ConicalPre-restoration CCS
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


HCC-2-NP, HCC-3-NP, HCC-4-NP, HCC-5-NP: Conical connection healing cap NP platform 3.5mm conical connection
HCC-2-RP, HCC-3-RP, HCC-4-RP, HCC-5-RP: Conical connection healing cap RP platform 3.5mm conical connection

DSI NLBC Kit is made to deliver the best results in bone harvesting procedures. The drills are made with a pinpoint micro drilling pin at the top, and are harvesting the bone
Dental Instruments
Surgical kits
KitsRidge Surgery
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


NLBC-20, NLBC-30, NLBC-40, NLBC-50: NLBC drills Ø2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0mm
SST-02, SST-03, SST-04, SST-05: stoppers Ø2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0mm
NLBC-BP: bone pusher

Castable Abutment
DSI Castable Abutments for making a custom cemented abutment featuring all the patient's personal and aesthetic needs. Straight, Angulated, Fully castable or Metal Base.
Implants and parts
HexFinal Restoration
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SACH: Castable abutment hexagonal *Regular*
SACN: Castable abutment rotational *Regular*
SACH-M: Milled castable abutment hexagonal *Regular*
SACN-M: Milled castable abutment rotational *Regular*
NACH: Castable abutment hexagonal *Narrow*
NACN: Castable abutment rotational *Narrow*
NAMH: Chrome-Cobalt base castable abutment hexagonal *Narrow*
NAMN: Chrome-Cobalt base castable abutment rotational *Narrow*
CAMH: Chrome-Cobalt base castable abutment hexagonal *Regular*
CAMN: Chrome-Cobalt base castable abutment rotational *Regular*
SAMH: Titanium base castable abutment hexagonal *Regular*
SAMN: Titanium base castable abutment rotational *Regular*
SACH01, SACH02, SACH03, SACH04: Anatomic straight castable abutment hexagonal *Regular*
SAC15-1, SAC15-2, SAC15-3, SAC15-4: Anatomic angulated 15° castable abutment hexagonal *Regular*
SAC25-1, SAC25-2, SAC25-3, SAC25-4: Anatomic angulated 25° castable abutment hexagonal *Regular*

CAD/CAM Conical
CAD/CAM Parts for use with ExoCad/3Shape DSI digital libraries enable simple and easy design for manufacturing the final restorations conical connection compatible
Implants and parts
DigitalFinal Restoration CCS
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

TB-DSC1-NP, TB-DSCR-NP: Conical ti-base abutment hexagonal/rotational NP platform 3.5mm conical connection
TB-DSC1-RP, TB-DSCR-RP: Conical ti-base abutment hexagonal/rotational RP platform 4.3-5.0mm conical connection
SP-DSNP: Conical titanium scan body  NP platform 3.5mm conical connection
SP-DSRP: Conical titanium scan body  RP platform 4.3-5.0mm conical connection
SIA-3D-NP: Conical analog NP platform 3.5mm conical connection
SIA-3D-RP: Conical analog RP platform 4.3-5.0mm conical connection

Premium Implant
The Premium Spiral dental implant has exceptional self-drilling capabilities and a tapered spiral body design that confers the characteristic of self-drilling and self-tapping
Implants and parts
Two-piece implants
ImplantsTwo-piece Implants
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SPI0835, SPI1035, SPI1135, SPI1335, SPI1635: Ø3.5mm H (8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm) SLA premium line spiral implant
SPI0638, SPI0838, SPI1038, SPI1138, SPI1338, SPI1638: Ø3.75mm H (6, 8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm) SLA premium line spiral implant
SPI0642, SPI0842, SPI1042, SPI1142, SPI1342, SPI1642: Ø4.2mm H (6, 8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm) SLA premium line spiral implant
SPI0650, SPI0850, SPI1050, SPI1150, SPI1350, SPI1650: Ø5.0mm H (6, 8, 10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm) SLA premium line spiral implant
SPI0660, SPI0860, SPI1060, SPI1160, SPI1360: Ø6.0mm H (6, 8, 10, 11.5, and 13mm) SLA premium line spiral implant
SPI1030, SPI1103, SPI1330, SPI1630: Ø3.0mm H (10, 11.5, 13 and 16mm) SLA premium line spiral implant

Next-Gen Multi-Unit Parts
This multi-unit system is made with the highest accuracy and precision, with all its parts fitting with each other perfectly.
Implants and parts
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

MU-S-LT: long screw for transfer
MU-S-ST: short screw for transfer
MU-S-OT: open tray transfer
MU-S-AN: titanium analog
MU-S-HC: healing cap
MU-S-TS: titanium sleeve abutment
MU-S-SP: castable sleeve abutment
MU-S-PT: snap-on closed transfer
SP-DS2: scan post abutment
TB-DS3: ti-base for multi-unit
MU-BAT: ball attachment connector
MU-S-MX: fixation long screw
MU-S-FX: fixation short screw
MUIH: metal position holder

Implant Cement
DSI Implant Cement is a new dual-cure temporary cement that has been designed specifically for today’s implant restorations. DSI Implant Cement is an eugenol-free temporary cement
Restorative Materials
DSI Specials
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

DS-IMPC1 : DSI Implant Cement Syringe of 8.6g + 10 tips
DSI Implant Cement Two Syringes, each of 8.6g total of 17.2g + 10 tips
DSI Implant Cement Three Syringes, each of 8.6g total of 25.8g + 15 tips

Bone and Soft Tissue Kit
SD-TR Bone and Soft Tissue Kit with trephines, punches and saws for effective bone & tissue management and manipulations.
Dental Instruments
KitsRidge Surgery
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SD-TR: Full Kit
SDTIS-30, SDTIS-35, SDTIS-40, SDTIS-45, SDTIS-50: tissue punch Ø3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0mm
SDGTS-40, SDGTS-50: guide punch Ø4.0, 5.0mm
SDTRB-04: trephine bur (inner)Ø3.2mm, (outer)Ø4.0mm
SDTRB-05: trephine bur (inner)Ø4.2mm, (outer)Ø5.0mm
SDTRB-06: trephine bur (inner)Ø5.2mm, (outer)Ø6.0mm
SDTRB-07: trephine bur (inner)Ø6.2mm, (outer)Ø7.0mm
SDTRB-08: trephine bur (inner)Ø7.2mm, (outer)Ø8.0mm
SDSAW-07, SDSAW-09: saw disk Ø7.0, 9.0mm

Patented Transfer Conical
DSI patented conical transfer is the pinnacle of engineering. It is the perfect example of how a simple idea can become an indispensable instrument in today's dentistry.
Implants and parts
DSI Specials
ConicalPatented Abutments
IFU Brochure MSDS Video

TA-NB-NP15, TA-NB-NP30, TA-NB-NP45: Straight anatomic snap-on conical transfer NP platform 3.5mm conical connection
TA-NB-RP15, TA-NB-RP30, TA-NB-RP45: Straight anatomic  snap-on conical transfer RP platform 4.3-5.0mm conical connection
TAP-NB-NP1515M,TAP-NB-NP1530M: Angulated patented conical snap-on transfer 15° NP platform 3.5mm conical connection
TAP-NB-NP2515M, TAP-NB-NP2530M: Angulated patented conical snap-on transfer 25° NP platform 3.5mm conical connection
TAP-NB-RP1515M,TAP-NB-RP1530M: Angulated patented conical snap-on transfer 15° RP platform 4.3-5.0mm conical connection
TAP-NB-RP2515M, TAP-NB-RP2530M: Angulated patented conical snap-on transfer 25° RP platform 4.3-5.0mm conical connection
SPUT0: Transfer plastic cap
SCA-NP, SCA-RP: Insertion screws narrow and regular

Conical Drills
Conical Implant Drills at cleverly tapered cone shape and universal sizes, compatible with most popular implant designs on the market.
Dental Instruments
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


TDC220: Ø1.6-2.2mm Conical drill
TDC240: Ø1.8-2.4mm Conical drill
TDC270: Ø1.6-2.7mm Conical drill
TDC280: Ø1.8-2.8mm Conical drill
TDC320: Ø2.0-3.2mm Conical drill
TDC330: Ø2.0-3.3mm Conical drill
TDC370: Ø2.5-3.7mm Conical drill
TDC400: Ø2.7-4.0mm Conical drill
TDC450: Ø2.7-4.5mm Conical drill
TDC550: Ø3.1-5.5mm Conical drill

Patented Transfer
This transfer is created for taking impressions, and it is compatible with all of DSI's anatomical and concave prosthetics anatomically adapted to gums
Implants and parts
DSI Specials
HexPatented Abutments
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


MPAA-R1, MPAA-R2, MPAA-R3, MPAA-R4: Angulated patented transfer abutments 15°
LPAA-R1, LPAA-R2, LPAA-R3, LPAA-R4: Angulated patented transfer abutments 25°
PCT1, PCT2, PCT3, PCT4: Straight anatomic concave transfer abutment
LPTA-R1, LPTA-R2, LPTA-R3, LPTA-R4: Straight snap on anatomic transfer abutment
TMC10, TMC20, TMC30, TMC40, TMC50: Snap on Transfer abutment
SPUT0, SNAP-SC: Transfer plastic caps
SISC: Insertion screw

DSI Grip Implant
Basal/cortical implantology offers the positioning of implants at the basal/cortical bone. Such an approach gives exceptional quality restorations and preservation
Two-piece implants
ImplantsTwo-piece Implants
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


XDSY1042, XDSY1142, XDSY1342, XDSY1642, XDSY1842, XDSY2042, XDSY2242, XDSY2542: Grip implant Ø4.2mm L 10, 11.5, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25mm
XDSY0850, XDSY1050, XDSY1150, XDSY1350, XDSY1650, XDSY1850, XDSY2050: Grip implant Ø5.0mm L 8, 10, 11.5, 13, 16, 18, 20mm
XDSY0860, XDSY1060, XDSY1160, XDSY1360, XDSY1660: Grip implant Ø6.0mm L 8, 10, 11.5, 13, 16mm

Essential Surgical Kit
Standard Surgical Kit for Implantation: All needed instruments for implant placement. Gives the ability to operate with accuracy, and ease of use. Internal Hex Regular and narrow.
Surgical kits
Dental Instruments
KitsSurgical Kits
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SK002: DSI essential surgical kit
LD150: lance drill Ø1.5mm
PD190: pilot drill Ø1.9mm
PD200, TD280, TD320, TD365, TD400, TD420, TD450, TD520: Cylindrical drills Ø 2.0, 2.8, 3.2, 3.65,4.0,4.2, 4.5 and 5.2mm
TDE: drill extender
RDS2010, RDS2015: ratchet driver Ø2.00mm, L (10mm, 15mm) for narrow implant Ø3.00mm
MM24228: motor mount driver Ø2.42mm L (28mm) for regular implants
MM125228: motor mount driver Ø1.25mm L (28mm) for abutments
RDK24100, RDK24150: ratchet driver Ø2.42mm, L (10mm, 15mm) for implants
RDK125100, RDK125150: ratchet driver Ø1.25mm, L (10mm, 15mm) for abutments
HDK125100: hand abutment driver Ø1.25mm L (10mm)
SPP160: long parallel pin L (16mm)
PPD300: double sided parallel pin
SR: wrench ratchet 6.35 hexagonal head
PAL94150: removable stainless surgical tray

Straight Shoulder
DSI shoulder abutments are thoughtfully engineered with different collar heights to adapt seamlessly to the unique gingival depths encountered in different restoration cases.
Implants and parts
HexFinal Restoration
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


STSA01 - Straight shoulder abutment collar height 1mm
STSA02 - Straight shoulder abutment collar height 2mm
STSA03 - Straight shoulder abutment collar height 3mm
STSA04 - Straight shoulder abutment collar height 4mm

Straight Concave
DSI concave abutments have anatomically shaped collars with a flawless design allowing the mucosal tissue to create a thick layer surrounding the transgingival connection.
Implants and parts
HexFinal Restoration
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


SAAC1 - Straight concave abutment collar height 1mm
Straight concave abutment collar height 2mm
Straight concave abutment collar height 3mm
Straight concave abutment collar height 4mm

Angulated DSI-Lock Attachment
DSI Angulated lock attachments used for all kinds of overdentures and installed as all-on-4 or all-on-6 in any given clinical scenario for tight places with limited space
Implants and parts
IFU Brochure MSDS Video


DSL-RP1810, DSL-RP1820, DSL-RP1830, DSL-RP1840: Angulated lock attachment 18°
DSL-RP3010, DSL-RP3020, DSL-RP3030, DSL-RP3040: Angulated lock attachment 30°
PDSL-RP1810, PDSL-RP1820, PDSL-RP1830, PDSL-RP1840: Angulated lock attachment 18° Kit
PDSL-RP3010, PDSL-RP3020, PDSL-RP3030, PDSL-RP3040: Angulated lock attachment 30° Kit