DSI Calcium-Hx Calcium Hydroxide Powder U.S.P. is mixed into a sticky substance as a dressing for apexification procedures, direct and indirect pulp covering and as a sub-base under restorations.
Calcium hydroxide preparations are also used in the course of treatment of root perforations, root fractures, and root resorption and have a starring role in dental traumatology, for instance, following tooth avulsion and luxation injuries.
Pure calcium hydroxide paste carries a high pH (roughly 12.5-12.8), and that is classified chemically as being a strong base. Its primary actions are realized through the ionic dissociation of Ca (2+) and OH (-) ions and their effects on important dental tissues, the induction of hard-tissue deposition in addition to the antibacterial properties. The strong effects of calcium hydroxide on morbific bacterial cells are probably due to protein denaturation and destruction of DNA and cytoplasmic membranes. It has an extensive range of antimicrobial activity against usual endodontic pathogens.
CALCIUM-HX: DSI Calcium-HX, Powder 10g
CALCIUM-HX25: DSI Calcium-HX, Powder 25g