2% Chlorhexidine, Chlorhexidine gluconate is a significant multipurpose tool for your infection prevention bundle. CHG's remarkably persistent and broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties have resulted in its recognition as the most effective agent intended for patient preoperative surface preparation, clean and disinfect before many dental procedures, root canal washing, in addition to being a skin wound and overall skin cleanser.
DSI Chlor-EX is an antibacterial and antimicrobial disinfectant that provides fast-acting activity against an extensive array of microorganisms, particularly against those commonly located in the intraoral area. DSI Chlor-EX bonds with the skin and tissues, and has a tenacious and remaining antibacterial effect for as much as six hours for patient preoperative preparation and surgical cleaning of mouth, skin or root canals
Recommended: As part of the surgical and endodontic disinfection procedures. Root canal surface disinfection prior to sensitive root treatment. Before the dental crown cementation or luting cement application by direct restorative placement – it minimizes post-operational sensitivity. Highly effective mouth rinse when diluted. Patient preoperative skin preparation: for the preparation of the patient's skin ahead of surgery. Applied on the prophylaxis brush to remove the cement residues and disinfect in one step.
CHLOR-EX: DSI Chlor-Ex 100ml
CHLOR-EX250: DSI Chlor-Ex 250ml