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DSI ApexSil Paste

Paste to paste stress free root canal sealer
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DSI Apexsil Paste is an advanced dental material formulated to provide excellent mechanical properties and high radiopacity. It is specifically designed for use in root canal treatments, providing strong adhesion to the walls and low polymerization shrinkage. Apexsil Paste also features a strong bactericidal action to help prevent infection. DSI ApexSil is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory filling material for root canals. Apexsil is a strong and convenient for use root canal solution. ApexSil composition is well tolerated by the tissues and does not cause negative reactions. With its reliable performance and easy application, Apexsil Paste is sure to meet all of your dental restoration needs.

DSI ApexSil is a highly radiopaque, 2-component root canal filler, delivered in two tubes. The components are dioxide, zirconium oxide, amine hardening agents, plasticizers, and color pigment. Can be used for permanent obturation of root canals of teeth in combination with root canal points, or with gutta-percha, silver, and titanium points.

Product Details

DSI ApexSil is characterized by excellent mechanical properties, high radiopacity, and good root canal wall adhesion, combined with low polymerization shrinkage, solubility, and, not least a strong bactericidal effect.

After setting, the result is an inert amino polymer with good adhesion, low solubility, and no toxic effect on the tissues. The root canal is now effectively and hermetically sealed. Working time at room temperature is about 4 hours. Hardening time inside the canal is about 24 hours.


• Radiopaque
• Outstanding dimensional stability and low solubility for a sturdy, safe seal
• Biologically inactive
• Non-staining for teeth
• The thermoplastic ability allows easy removal
• Exceptionally fast
• Lasting obturation of root canals of teeth together with root canal points
• It could be used with gutta-percha, silver, and metal points.

ASIL: DSI ApexSil Paste 2 tubes 4ml each + 1 mixing pad

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