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DSI Hemostatic Liquid

extremely effective local hemostatic agent liquid
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The need for a hemostatic agent is often required when it comes to dental surgery, due to the implications of uncontrolled blood loss for the patient. When left unchecked, this can lead to detrimental effects such as compromised visibility and even interference with the procedure. This is why it is essentially important to stop the bleeding as fast as possible. Using DSI Hemostatic Liquid provides swift and reliable help in controlling any potential bleeding issues. DSI Hemostatic Liquid is a popular choice among dentists when it comes to managing bleeding during dental procedures. Its effectiveness in stopping blood flow makes it an essential element for the success of any treatment.

DSI Hemostatic Liquid has been found to be an invaluable asset for particular medical applications and specific patient groups. In particular, it can provide great benefits to those with coagulation defects. Biocompatibility and ease of use, combined with fast-acting properties, make DSI Hemostatic Liquid an ideal option for stabilizing bleeding quickly.

Product Details

The powerful hemostatic properties of DSI Hemostatic Liquid are achieved through a special combination of 25% aluminum chloride solution. Unlike other forms of coagulants, the efficacy of this particular formula is due to a chemical reaction with blood proteins that results in an acidic property which serves to create a barrier preventing any further bleeding. As this barrier prevents the penetration of aluminum chloride into vessels, users are assured not to experience any systemic side effects such as irritation, tingling, or itching.

DSI Hemostatic Liquid is an extremely effective local hemostatic agent, providing fast and efficient relief from minor bleeding. Its novel formula provides an advantage that guarantees a stain-free result on teeth and soft tissues, making it the perfect choice for aesthetic operations. This solution swiftly stops bleeding without causing coagulum or leaving any residue, thus enabling clear visibility of the working area during long procedures such as resection, preparation, and retrograde filling. As a result, DSI Hemostatic Liquid is an excellent local hemostatic agent that can rapidly halt any unwanted bleeding.


• Can provide great benefits to those with coagulation defects. Biocompatible, easy to use, and fast-acting.
• Stabilizing bleeding quickly.
• 25% aluminum chloride solution.
• No side effects such as irritation, tingling, or itching.
• Providing fast and efficient relief from minor bleeding.
• Stain-free result on teeth and soft tissues.
• Enabling clear visibility of the working area during long procedures such as resection, preparation, and retrograde filling.
• Rinses off with ease.
• Contains no epinephrine.
• Sanitizes to prevent infection.

HSTAT : DSI Hemostatic liquid blue color 15ml bottle
HSTAT-C : DSI Hemostatic liquid clear color 15ml bottle

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